Recently a parent of a WSTEM student asked me some very valid and important transition and operational questions. They are looking for answers about the immediate future. I have sent them on to the District. This person also gave me permission to repost their exact questions in public forum but asked to remain anonymous. I am happy to do so.
I’m also open to relaying other insightful and specific questions. I’ve exchanged messages with another WSTEM family that has asked if I would be open to meeting with a small group of parents. The answer is “Yes, I am” and I will coordinate with that parent in the near future.
The questions asked so far (Exact quotations without alteration):
- I am now being asked to transition my child from STEM to another school within WSD, what procedures are in place to ensure a seamless transition?
- How will children, like mine, be integrated into a traditional classroom with a more traditional rubric?
- What accommodations will they be given to adjust or what steps are being taken to make the transition easier?
- What are the differences between the STEM curricula and the traditional ones currently being utilized at McKinley and Wilson?
- How will the curricula be adjusted to account for gaps in teaching coverage that may have been present between STEM and other traditional schools?
If you are parent with additional questions regarding “what to do next”, please email them to my district email address. I will compile a full list and get them in front of the proper person(s) at the District.